[game_preservation] Game preservation videos?

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Sun Aug 5 07:03:13 EDT 2007

In reply to Jim and Melanie,

Jim; That Punchout video was good. Speed runs are the main thing on
archive.org (along with some machinima and a few other things). I didn't
know of their MPEG-2 restrictions, which means for some games like that
one, a square doesn't fit very well. I don't think trivia is needed on
the video itself, it kinda suited it here, but if you read it you missed
some of the action (thus you changed it during the breaks, nice touch!).

Recording it off the actual arcade machines would be ultra-difficult
with little payback, but I'd have loved to see someone playing the
arcade version - looks like a difficult game to master.

And the actual space / bandwidth concern is something, archive.org I
recall reading in an early discussion had no qualms about bandwidth and
space, but had problems with the DMCA regarding storing old software, so
perhaps that could be a resource to use, if the restrictions on video
were sorted out, since widescreen and double-screen games would be very
hard to get into the size restrictions, and video nowadays is all HD
widescreen itself, so recording people playing would possibly be
widescreen too!

Melaine; I am really glad there are some people already doing this,
especially the videoing people playing part (at least in a pilot).
Interviews or seeing how the physical interaction between player and the
game really helps with a lot of arcade machines. The innovations in home
consoles too, and how they changed interactions. Hope the work with the
SC3000 works, and if you can put up progress, I at least would be

If someone knew more of the efforts of the Berlin Computerspiele Museum,
that'd be great. I have never even been to Germany, so have no idea
about the place apart from the little I've read in English, which didn't
mention this.

In October when I get back to University I might try a few rough tests
recording someone playing a console or PC and commenting, and put the
results somewhere to view and get feedback.


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