[game_preservation] Star Raiders profile (Digital Game Canon) posted on Gamasutra

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Fri Sep 21 07:03:23 EDT 2007

Hey Henry,

I think it'd be worthwhile for at least putting as a set of downloadable
files, since while it is perhaps more eye candy then informative it
gives an idea about what the presentations were like. We might as well
make everything we can available about our own work as a preservation
group, less it be lost in the future.

I should just pony up for the audio track of the event to listen to it
myself I suppose :) I just haven't got around to it yet! If I do I'll
get the core quotes from that.


Henry Lowood wrote:

> Andrew,


> Yes, I looked at the presentations. The problem I got stuck on was

> that a couple of them were more in the category of eye candy than

> presentations of the argument. Do you still want to have a look?

> Also, I wasn't able to find one of them, I think Warren's presentation.


> Henry


> At 05:42 PM 9/20/2007, Andrew Armstrong wrote:

>> Okay, I added it to the wiki

>> <http://www.igda.org/wiki/Game_Preservation_SIG/Digital_Game_Canon>,

>> which I forgot to do despite doing a quick blog entry

>> <http://www.igda.org/preservation/> on it.


>> Also; regarding the Digital Games Project, was anyone able to gather

>> information about the original GDC2007 panel? The actual page still

>> lacks information as to why the panel at the time thought these 10

>> were needing preservation. Not a major issue, but should be sorted at

>> some point really :)


>> Andrew


>> Simon Carless wrote:

>>> Hey all,


>>> This is the fourth profile of a Digital Game Canon game we've run on

>>> Gamasutra, and it includes comments from the creator Doug Neubauer -

>>> probably worth adding to the Wiki, Andrew:


>>> Video Games' First Space Opera: Exploring Atari's Star Raiders

>>> http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/1890/video_games_first_space_opera_.php

>>> <http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/1890/video_games_first_space_opera_.php>

>>> 'We explore Doug Neubauer's Atari title /Star Raiders/, a

>>> "surprisingly complex space combat simulation" from 1979, and an

>>> obscure but vital precursor of the /Wing Commander/-esque digital

>>> space opera.'


>>> I also posted another 'GameSetVideo Treasures' on GameSetWatch,

>>> linking to the 'Making Of Ultima X' video we just archived on

>>> Archive.org <http://Archive.org>:


>>> http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2007/09/column_archived_treasures_next.php


>>> Regards,

>>> Simon Carless

>>> [Publisher, Game Developer/Gamasutra.]



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> Henry Lowood

> Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections;

> Germanic Collections; Film & Media Collections

> HRG, Green Library

> 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford University Libraries

> Stanford CA 94305-6004 USA

> lowood at stanford.edu; 650-723-4602


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