[game_preservation] University of Texas now into MMO Preservation

Henry Lowood lowood at stanford.edu
Sat Aug 9 03:44:27 EDT 2008

Yes, that's correct. I'm on the advisory board. Also, Megan attended
the kickoff meeting for the NDIIPP project. In fact, it wouldn't
surprise me if Megan is on this list.


At 02:49 PM 8/8/2008, Vowell, Zachary W wrote:

>Content-Language: en

>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

> boundary="_000_C4C2299316A3zvowellaustinutexasedu_"



>Hey Andrew, I mentioned this here!:




>I'm not sure if she knows about the SIG, but since we'll be working

>with her some, I can definitely clue her in. Also, I think Henry's

>on her project's advisory board. For the most part, I think she

>wants to gather data (i.e., interviews) on how MMO developers create

>games, and the artifacts that are produced along the way.


>Also, I know she'll be running a blog that tracks the project's

>development, so I can let the list know when that goes up.





>Zach Vowell

>Archivist, UT Videogame Archive

>Center for American History






>On 8/8/08 4:39 PM, "Andrew Armstrong" <andrew at aarmstrong.org> wrote:


>No news to those who read GameSetWatch, but interesting none the less

>and worth bringing up here:



>I wonder if the person going to run it, Megan Winget, even knows about

>our small group, or about the Library of Congress efforts on Virtual

>World preservation. Austin is a good place to start though, I'd admit

>that much, and the amount of money isn't exactly tiny (although I have

>no idea what they intend to do!)


>Looks interesting, I hope something good comes out of it :)




>game_preservation mailing list

>game_preservation at igda.org





>game_preservation mailing list

>game_preservation at igda.org


Henry Lowood
Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections;
Film & Media Collections
HRG, Green Library
557 Escondido Mall, Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004 USA
lowood at stanford.edu; 650-723-4602
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