[game_preservation] SIG Icon and theme

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Wed Dec 3 11:17:30 EST 2008

Hmm, I didn't get any source pictures from you...how odd. These will do
though. I'll amend my current design a bit perhaps, maybe later today.

I however can't vectorize anything, I'm having enough trouble with just
pixel art! Anyone know how to do vector art with the GIMP or some other
free tool? A nice vectored image would be cool (although for some
piccies losing the retro pixel feel).

Joystick, here's my attempt (IGDA swirl on there too, hehe):


Looks a little crummy, but I keep saying I'm no artist ;) (any higher
resolution and I'd also not want to do it, this took long enough) - what
do people think of this kind of joystick? I might be able to clean up
some of the perspective errors too (the bottom of the stick is a bit
odd) if this one looks "okay".


Devin Monnens wrote:

> I like the vector bell jar as it's easier to tell what it is. I think

> we should see how it looks with a knob at the top.


> I think you could just vectorize the 5.25" floppy and see how that looks.


> The joystick would be a stylized gamepad or joystick. The joystick

> would probably be a classic red-knob with a button and would probably

> have to be 3/4 view.


> The advantage of the disk is it shows that these are the most volatile

> and most in dire need of preservation. The controller seems more in

> line with the concept of 'videogames', as anybody sees a red-knob

> joystick, they immediately know what it's for (same with a gamepad,

> but the joystick is retro).


> The disk or the controller could easily fit in a wider bell jar. There

> were also the sample jars that I sent Andrew with the classic game

> characters inside. Here are other jar designs:


> BRAAAAAAIIIIIIINNNNSSSS (yeah, professional, I know :P)


> http://pro.corbis.com/images/MME082.jpg?size=572&uid={7F805585-0EAB-4FF5-B309-D814F9C92DA1}

> <http://pro.corbis.com/images/MME082.jpg?size=572&uid=%7B7F805585-0EAB-4FF5-B309-D814F9C92DA1%7D>


> And here's the screw-top lid that seems more common today:


> http://static.flickr.com/36/83869604_ce0d645ec6.jpg


> Here's a wide bell jar:


> http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/415TY98Z2SL._SL500_AA280_.jpg

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