[game_preservation] Game catalog and listings

Jim Leonard trixter at oldskool.org
Sun Feb 17 15:52:50 EST 2008

Captain Commando wrote:

> Sorry to be sending this out so soon before the GDC, when some of you

> are busy getting ready to go!

We won't be attending, unfortunately. Maybe next year :)

> Moby Games (www.mobygames.com <http://www.mobygames.com>)

I'm co-founder, so I'd be happy to answer any questions about it, such
as our philosophy, where we get info, etc. Just ask.

> The interesting thing about these catalogues is that many of them

> provide release date information on the games (though they don't all

We do, down to the exact date if possible. We take exact dates from
"gold" press releases (such as "Commando 4: Bloodbath goes gold" etc.
and take the date of that press release). Otherwise, we use verifiable
sources such as the latest date of all files on a disk/cdrom (to get it
down to the month/year), etc. But it's never a guess, and it's also
required information for an entry into the database (ie. you won't see
entries without release dates in mobygames).
Jim Leonard (trixter at oldskool.org) http://www.oldskool.org/
Help our electronic games project: http://www.mobygames.com/
Or check out some trippy MindCandy at http://www.mindcandydvd.com/
A child borne of the home computer wars: http://trixter.wordpress.com/

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