[game_preservation] Limbo of the Lost

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Wed Jun 25 08:50:10 EDT 2008

Captain Commando wrote:

> Apparently, they ripped entire levels and models out of Oblivion and

> stuck them all into the game.

The game was made in a 2d point-and-click game maker program. The
"models" were all just static screenshots. Only the (actually self-made)
3d models for the characters, etc. were really 3d.

Notably, the people behind it have offered the excuse it was outsourced.
Who knows if they are lying or not?

They're recalling the game. Funnily enough, some people who have played
it said it isn't a downright terrible game from what I've read.
Interesting culture angle perhaps, only because it is so blatant, so
humorous how they'd either never played the game they've got screenshots
of or they simply didn't care and thought no one would notice!


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