[game_preservation] Physical Archives collapsing (Example in Cologne)

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Wed Apr 1 17:49:01 EDT 2009

A sad example (one I missed from early March - I don't check out too
much "archive" news in my RSS feeds) from Cologne, where their
Historical Archive of Cologne collapsed!


I guess relevant to us is the fact any fire, earthquake, collapse or
other disaster could spell doom for a physical collection of artefacts,
games and so forth. Makes it important to get an off site digital copy
or scan if possible! Shame it just takes so much work (time + money) to
do scans, and DRM (and maybe to a lesser extent, copyright laws)
sometimes prevent digital copies of digital media.

Perhaps identifying this as one area for best practices or some form of
archival standards is a good idea :) (Digital copies off site is another
important one of course). Has anyone got any other examples except for
classic ones (the Great Library of Alexandria for one) of archives or
libraries having disasters and massive losses? I can't remember any off
the top of my head, but for research into this area it'd be good to know


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