[game_preservation] Our Membership

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Mon Apr 20 05:59:17 EDT 2009

Yep, you are one of those few, certainly to cover multiple groups. Any
thoughts on what more people like you (DB contributors, collectors,
emulators :) ) would get out of the SIG, or why they might join? If
there is any point in joining that is...

I personally don't have a clue, since I basically currently only fall
into the historians, and partially into the archivists categories, and
most of my work on projects is to improve information about these areas :)


Mike Melanson wrote:

> Andrew Armstrong wrote:

>> There are, as far as I'm aware, few people from these groups:

>> - Game collectors, enthusiasts

>> - Game emulator creators

>> - Game historians

>> - Game history press

>> - Librarians, other general archivists


> I think I fall into the first 3 categories you listed. I'm sort of an

> eccentric game collector as I love to focus on obscure stuff that no

> one else could possibly care about. I'm a game historian as evidenced

> by my contributions to MobyGames.com. And I'm intensely interested in

> emulation as well, primarily from a technical perspective. In fact, I

> used to maintain an NES emulator (tuxnes.sf.net).


> Just so you know where I'm coming from.


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