[game_preservation] FDG2009

Rachel Donahue donahrm at gmail.com
Sun Apr 26 10:54:59 EDT 2009

Apologies for any weirdness in this email, i'm replying from my phone
since wireless is an absurd 75 cents a minute. It IS expensive for a
conference, but considering my hotel at saa was a thousand bucks
itself... Not so bad! I'd be happy to share my notes when i'm back
ashore and i may risk an international text fee or two to update
twitter -sheepeeh -on board. I'm semi presenting, having gotten a
masters scholarship. It's more of an informal mixer with ea and ms but
i'm hoping it provides some good exposure for the survey, white paper,
and preserving virtual worker project.

On 4/26/09, Andrew Armstrong <andrew at aarmstrong.org> wrote:

> Wow, sounds fancy, the /Disney Wonder/ cruise ship no less! :P It is a

> bit expensive for a one-track program, but I guess it's the universities

> and companies who usually pay, and it appears to be

> accommodation-inclusive at least :)


> I obviously won't be making it, being in the UK and that, so I hope it's

> fun!


> Are you presenting there Rachel or just visiting? and will you be

> putting any notes online? (I'm always interested in looking through

> them, but you'd be surprised how many conferences, especially academic

> ones, no one bothers to note down anything from).


> Andrew


> Devin Monnens wrote:

>> I might have submitted something if I'd known about it earlier. (or

>> maybe I did?) Conference is a tad expensive though, but it's on a

>> cruise ship!


>> http://www.foundationsofdigitalgames.org/


>> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 7:07 AM, Rachel Donahue <donahrm at gmail.com

>> <mailto:donahrm at gmail.com>> wrote:


>> Anyone from the sig attending? I don't know a soul and it would be

>> lovely to meet up if you are!




Rachel Donahue
Graduate Assistant
Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
University of Maryland, College Park
College Park, MD

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