[game_preservation] SIG Icon - Joystick and Belljar

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Sat Jan 17 19:48:12 EST 2009

I'll look to do one without the glass knob, and sort the glass edge
going around the base (depending on how it looks, I'll also do a thin
glass version to compare). Give me a while - maybe will do it tomorrow.

As for font, if you can find a entirely free Truetype font available,
which looks better, go for it. I just wanted one that matched what
simple work I did previously - not necessarily iconic "bit" fonts, so if
you can find one which matches monospaced terminal input, that'd be
cool. I don't know any decent sites for finding it though (I found that
one via. google).

The IGDA colours? well, I need to really sort the IGDA history (yeah, I
started the Wiki project, it's still in limbo. Not that anyone really
cares or knows about it, since I've not told anyone, hehe), that'd be
something good to sort. I'll ask Jason how they got their icon and
colours, and note it on the wiki. Probably entirely boring ("It looks
good") but there we go ;)


Devin Monnens wrote:

> Thicker glass looks better, though doesn't the glass go around the

> base as well? Still not sure about the knob at the top (even though I

> suggested it in the first place!). Could our font be a little

> different? Is there a less generic pixel font we could use?


> Colors look fine - in line with IGDA colors. BTW, does anyone know

> what the IGDA colors actually STAND for?

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