[game_preservation] Project Discussion: Collectors Information

Andrew Armstrong andrew at aarmstrong.org
Mon Jan 26 16:32:21 EST 2009

This is coming on from our previous discussion over spring cleaning the SIG.

*Collectors Information*
Status: /On Hold/
Currently lead by: /No one. /
Short description: /A set of resource pages on the area of videogame
collectors. When complete, will hold information on the reasons behind
it, the communities that are based on it, and who gets involved in the
work. This will be aimed at people interested in the area for whatever
reason (such as tracking information not held in public archives or
online) rather then for collectors themselves./

Concerns raised previously:
- What information should it be
- Who should be contacted to get the information
- Who is the information aimed at

This needs someone to run it. Someone who basically can collect the
information and update the wiki with it. There are plenty of reasons I
can't do it very well, the main one being is I am not a collector and
barely venture into the area much. I am willing to do some of the
legwork but a collector who knows where to find information, who to
contact and interview, what information would be relevant to an
archivist, historian or developer, and so on is required.

If you want to take lead on this, it shouldn't be much work - I'm
looking for more depth then Wikipedia, but less then a book on the
subject. Some "rough guide to videogame collectors and their hobby"
would suffice.

I know some information was already raised, and if I am left with doing
this I'll follow some of it up and possibly get someone not on the SIG
list to do this project partially (at least providing the information to

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