[game_preservation] [Fwd: Re: [SIGs-Admin] [SIGs_Admin][chapter-admin] Update on new IGDA website]

Henry Lowood lowood at stanford.edu
Tue Jun 9 12:17:40 EDT 2009

FYI to the SIG> I have not had time to be very involved in the new
website testing. If there is an issue here you would like me to
inquire about, let me know.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [SIGs-Admin] [SIGs_Admin][chapter-admin] Update on new
IGDA website
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 2009 21:17:08 -0700
From: Tim Langdell <tim at edgegames.com>
Reply-To: Private list for SIG leaders <sigs-admin at igda.org>
To: IGDA Chapter Admin Mailing List <chapter_admin at igda.org>, Private
list for SIG leaders <sigs-admin at igda.org>

Dear IGDA SIG and CHAPTER Leaders,

I am happy to report that we are finally close to being able to take the
new website live, and that it will have most of the features many of you
have been anticipating. We do have some substantial work left to do,
mainly in the back-end integration of financial infrastructure, but we
have also devised a way to take the website live with this functionality
mostly complete and with a plan to then complete it in the weeks
following launch. We are also still adding in the social networking part
of the new website, so please bear with us on that. The IGDA Store will
be added soon, too.

The main purpose of this email is to get information and feedback on the
six areas below. If you haven't had the opportunity to look at the test
site yet, I recommend you do so as soon as possible. I understand all of
you have access to the test website - please tell me if that isn't the case:

1) Are there any key features you were expecting to see on day-one that
do not seem to be present in the current test website today?

2) Are there any major bugs in the current test site you are aware of,
or ways the website works you think should be changed before we go live?

3) As to the look and feel, the test website has the relatively modest
changes to appearance and functionality the team was able to do in our
budget. It should be stable and visible in Firefox, and shortly working
flawlessly in IE too. We hope to budget a more extensive upgrade in the
future. What do you think about the current design, in terms of going live ?

4) The current plan is to migrate all the current members of each SIG
and CHAPTER by simply importing the members from the existing ListServs.
Clearly, where some of you are using other solutions such as Google
Groups we will need you to supply us with a list of your members? emails
in some useable form (such as a comma separated file). If this applies
to you, please send me your list (or let me know so we can work out the
format) and I will coordinate ensuring our website developers have all
SIG and CHAPTER member lists.

5) Some SIGS (and some CHAPTERS?) have tiers of membership such that
you would not wish all members to have access to all your SIG or CHAPTER
areas on the new website. The current plan is to import the entire list
of your members, and we let you, as SIG and CHAPTER leaders, select
which member has what level of access, who has admin privileges, etc.
Do you think this will work for your SIG/CHAPTER?

6) Based on the test website as it stands do you currently have all the
levels of access and sub-groups, etc that you will need on "day one" so
that you can assign your members to have access to each of the levels,
each of the groups and sub-groups? If not, then I need you to email me
directly what levels you will need and how it differs from what is there
in the test site for you right now.

That's it for the questions! If you could try to respond to me by later
this week it will help us confirm the final timeline and get prepared
for going live. Once your final questions and concerns have been
addressed, we expect the process of migration should be a fairly swift
one with perhaps the existing IGDA website and the existing ListServs
going down for perhaps as little as one or at most two days. That would
be our goal. But please do bear in mind that when we "flip the switch"
on that migration in readiness for the new website to go live, all
access to the old website site will be permanently lost, as will all
access to the old ListServs, etc. So we are taking care to be sure
everyone here, and the web team, are fully prepared.

If you have any questions or concerns I ask that you contact me, please,
so that I can collate everyone's responses and coordinate what I
sincerely trust is the final push before we can take this long awaited
new website live.

Kind regards,

Tim Langdell
Member, IGDA Board of Directors

Henry Lowood, Ph.D.
Curator for History of Science & Technology Collections;
Film & Media Collections
HRG, Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004
650-723-4602; lowood at stanford.edu; http://www.stanford.edu/~lowood
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