[game_preservation] Google's project to digitize all the books in the world

Rachel Donahue donahrm at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 11:25:58 EST 2009


> Personally, I think this is a really cool idea, though not one without

> danger. The advantage is having a virtual catalog of everything ever

> written, something that rivals the Internet Archive. I'm not sure though if

> this catalogue will contain multiple prints of each book, but that is

> something it should certainly include. Hopefully it will include copies of

> print magazines as well. The possibilities of having the entire library

> searchable is simply enormous. Google has also purchased a web company that

> had digitized newspapers, so you can expect them to expand into this area as

> well.


There will be multiples by virtue of the fact that Google is not checking
what it scans -- they're scanning everything from every partner. I don't
know whether they'll actively practice LOCKSS or not, though.
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