[game_preservation] Encarta dies

Rachel "Sheepy" Donahue donahrm at gmail.com
Sun May 3 12:51:49 EDT 2009

My "College Writing Seminar" included a component on finding and
evaluating sources, though it could have been more in depth. Hopefully
they've updated it to reflect how much more we rely on the web these days!
Even my master's program, I am sad to say, lacked a required research
methods course, which is a shame (at least, since it's a library program,
we had the concepts spread throughout the courses).. I agree that it's
really important to integrate it into students' education.

Though we're not 100% lazy -- we'll use the scholarly databases, too, as
long as they provide full text!

> Google and Wikipedia also produce big problems in research. Students

> today get all of their information from these places without being

> taught how to differentiate between a reliable source and an unreliable

> source. I feel

> this has more to do with the teachers failing to understand how to use

> these resources and teachers also failing to teach their students how to

> look for resources even 'the old-fashioned way' (or perhaps the students

> either

> aren't being taught this or they just don't care). I wonder if we just

> need to have a class that teaches students how to do research at a

> college level using modern technology and make that required. Not that

> I'd be very

> interested in teaching a bunch of freshmen that... But I could probably

> outline one.


> -Devin

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