[LEAPSECS] Merry Christmas!

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Sun Dec 21 14:48:40 EST 2008

I'm sure all will appreciate that I decided to cut my detailed reply
short :-) Here in a nutshell is my recipe for success:

1) Define the problem.
2) Design a solution. (Each problem has many possible solutions.)

This is as simple as it gets for the basis of system engineering. The
ITU has spent 9 years assuming they know the one and only solution
without ever finishing a coherent problem definition. So:

A) Finish defining the problem.
B) Perform an INCOSE vetted trade-off study among the options.
...and C) Seek consensus *before* voting.

Not only is this the best way to proceed, it is the fastest way to
proceed. The ITU way will have taken 20 years before it can possibly
take effect in 2019. Other options (e.g., revising leap second
scheduling) could take effect sooner.

A, B, C - as easy as that.

Merry Christmas!


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