[LEAPSECS] A leap second proposal to consider -- LSEM

Rob Seaman seaman at noao.edu
Wed Nov 3 14:06:36 EDT 2010

Hi Tom,

> The key point of LSEM is that 100% of the months would have leap seconds,

I think this is a previously undiscussed option. When +/- dithering came up before (when the world and we were younger) the idea was that a leap second would rather amount to the omission of one of the normal monthly dithering steps.

> If that means DUT1 gets closer to 1.0 instead of 0.9 so be it.

So be it indeed, however note an alternative strategy (proposed in precambrian times):


The current standard provides a lot of leeway in implementing UTC. That leeway could be used to address our varied concerns in diverse ways.

If politics is to triumph over process, even better is a political solution that requires no international agreement at all. For instance, we have the "Draft Alternate Proposal" from the final slide of the Torino Colloquium: "Evolve from the current UTC Standard by transition to Temps International (TI) [...] TI should be a continuous atomic time scale, without Leap Seconds, that is synchronized with UTC at the time of transition." (http://www.inrim.it/luc/cesio/itu/closure.pdf)

"Universal Time" *means* "mean solar time". It is natural to call something that is in no way mean solar time something other than universal time.


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