[LEAPSECS] draft revision of ITU-R TF.460-6

Zefram zefram at fysh.org
Fri Dec 9 09:40:22 EST 2011

Dennis Ferguson wrote:

>Analogously, the physical realization of TAI would be TA(k), so I guess

>a real-time estimate of TAI would be some lab's TA(k).

No, that's quite a different beast. AIUI, TA(k) are independent atomic
time scales that are not steered to track TAI. They have persistent
frequency differences from TAI, quite apart from the phase differences.
They are not attempts to realise TAI.

Each UTC(k) implies a TAI(k), a local realisation of TAI, with
TAI(k)-UTC(k) being the well-known integer number of seconds.


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