[LEAPSECS] "China move could call time on GMT"

Michael Sokolov msokolov at ivan.Harhan.ORG
Sat Dec 31 13:43:04 EST 2011

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Ask_Bj=F8rn_Hansen?= <ask at develooper.com> wrote:

> In all the discussions here, I still haven't seen any examples of things th=

> at'll break that's not related to tracking things in the sky.

LEGAL things would break. What the people like you fail to grok is
that some of us are bound by *non-negotiable legal requirements* to
live our lives on a time standard that's anchored to Mean Solar Time.

The constitution of the new micronation I'm in the process of founding
will have just such a requirement. If the ITU succeeds in its inane
plan, it will immediately become illegal for me to use UTC for
*anything*, and that would happen the instant their redefinition takes
effect, i.e., has nothing to do with the magnitude of DUT1. Then I
would have to *scramble* to build my own apparatus that can serve me
with an alternate timescale that has no connection to UTC: it would be
a massive project, taking my time away from other technical projects
I'd like to work out, hence a very real cost.


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