[LEAPSECS] GLONASS To Be Official Time Dissemination Means in Russia

Richard Langley lang at unb.ca
Fri Mar 4 15:56:56 EST 2011

Google Translation of http://rniikp.ru/ru/news/index/201103041.htm

04.03.2011g. - Firstnews (http://www.firstnews.ru/news/lenta/22516/index.php?print=Y

The Russian government proposes to use the Glonass satellite
navigation system for the dissemination of precise time signals - such
a rule is contained in the draft law "On the Calculation Time," which
was submitted to the Duma on Thursday.

There is currently no federal laws that would regulate the time
calculation on Russian territory, and fixed to the authority of the
Russian government and regional authorities in terms of time. The
bill, in particular, specifies that the Civil Service of the time,
frequency and determination of Earth rotation parameters (GSVCh RF)
disseminates information about the exact Moscow time and calendar
date, as well as the reference time signal using a global navigation
satellite system GLONASS, satellite communication systems, radio ,
radio and television.

The bill fixes that Russia lives in the Gregorian calendar, which is
based on a cyclic circulation of the Earth around the Sun, in which
the duration of one revolution around the Sun is 365.2425 days.
Indicated that the Gregorian chronology of 400 years accounted for 97
leap years.

One of the articles of the bill describes the procedure for the
formation of timezones. Determined that the time zones are formed
taking into account the administrative boundaries of regions.
Authority to determine the composition of the regions included in each
time zone, and the procedure for calculating the time they are set by
the Government of the Russian Federation.

In this case, as reported by RIA Novosti, if one of the region decided
to switch to the next time zone, then the solution of such a
transition takes the Russian government on the basis of a joint
proposal by the regional legislative assemblies and chief executive.


| Richard B. Langley E-mail:

lang at unb.ca |

| Geodetic Research Laboratory Web: http://www.unb.ca/GGE/


| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Phone: +1 506

453-5142 |

| University of New Brunswick Fax: +1 506

453-4943 |

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5A3 |

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www.fredericton.ca/ |

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