[LEAPSECS] stale leap second information

Tom Van Baak tvb at LeapSecond.com
Mon Jan 12 14:31:32 EST 2015

> Find a reliable source, and at the moment the most reliable source
> is probably the IANA TimeZone Database
> https://www.iana.org/time-zones


Let me know if I'm using your "most reliable" source correctly:

- Go to https://www.iana.org/time-zones
- Read down until "Latest version"
- Download the binary data file, 284 KB in size
- Unzip it into a 870 KB text file
- Search for the 38th occurrence of the word leapsecond
- Scroll down the lines starting with Leap
- See that 2012-Jun-30 is [was] the current next leap second

I'm more of a minimalist. Try this 40-line text file instead:
This simple file has been around since the 90's and is always right.

Or use this 40-line text file instead:
The one is nice because it includes a "File expires on 31 December 2015" notice.


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