[LEAPSECS] Leap Seconds schedule prior to 1972

Hal Murray hmurray at megapathdsl.net
Fri Apr 22 02:56:35 EDT 2016

> Think about the code that some poor programmer is going to have to write as
> they read your PDF. Instead of an if-else-if sequence that goes on for
> pages, is there a simpler way to generate pUTC? I mean, no human is going to
> read your PDF and manually go through the guidelines you present. So maybe
> think of the code first instead of the prose. 

The if-else mess can be turned into a loop scanning a table.  (or binary 

If the table format is anything sane, you could publish the table someplace 
public and give it a name.  If somebody comes along with a better proposal, 
they can publish their table.  Any paper that uses this technique needs to 
specify which table they use.

I think there is already something similar for correcting carbon-14 dates.  
If you publish a paper using C-14 dating, you specify which corrections you 

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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