[LEAPSECS] Bloomberg announced its smear

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at burnicki.net
Wed Sep 28 03:50:55 EDT 2016

Christopher Hoover wrote:
> This I believe is the most recent public statement on the topic:
> https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2015/05/Got-a-second-A-leap-second-that-is-Be-ready-for-June-30th.html
> One could imagine having a public ntp pool on the interwebs that
> implemented smearing.  (I know this will be heresy to some.)

The current version of ntpd supports smearing, if support is explicitly
compiled in and then enabled in the ntp.conf file.


This implements leap smearing using a cosine approach, like Google did
it initially, and the smear interval is such that smearing is finished
at the end of the leap second, so the beginning of the next day / hour /
minute is accurate.

And this should *not* be used with pool servers or other public servers.

A summary can be found here:


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