[LEAPSECS] fb/meta join the leap second haters

Brooks Harris brooks at edlmax.com
Tue Jul 26 20:42:03 EDT 2022

On 2022-07-26 7:33 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> So looking at the IERS LOD plot going all the way back it seems to
> me that we have been missing the big signal for about five decades:
> 	https://datacenter.iers.org/singlePlot.php?plotname=EOPC04_14_62-NOW_IAU2000A-LOD&id=224
> How did we not notice that earlier ?
In the last paragraph of the IERS Conventions, IERS Technical Note 36, 
section 6.1 Conventional model based on the EGM2008 model,  we find: 
"There may be decadal variations that are not captured by the models."

Can anyone elaborate on what these 'decadal variations' may be?


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