[LEAPSECS] fb/meta join the leap second haters

Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Tue Jul 26 21:21:25 EDT 2022

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 5:33 PM Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at phk.freebsd.dk>

> So looking at the IERS LOD plot going all the way back it seems to
> me that we have been missing the big signal for about five decades:
> https://datacenter.iers.org/singlePlot.php?plotname=EOPC04_14_62-NOW_IAU2000A-LOD&id=224
> How did we not notice that earlier ?

The whole graph looks like a clear downward cycle. But the peak then lower
peak could be variations
in a noisy process (which LOD clearly is). If you look at the graph w/o the
last 5-10 years, the downward
trend is less pronounced because we don't have the 'lower lows' that the
whole graph seems to
show (I say "seems" to because I always hedge when looking at something
this noisy). But it does seem
like leap seconds are about to get super-duper funky for the next decade if
we don't change how
we cope...

Of course, my views since 2000 are best expressed by Cato the Elder's
speach ending catch phrase:
 "Carthago delenda est" Furthermore, leapseconds must die.

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