[LEAPSECS] Never mind DUT1, what happened to dX ?

Tony Finch dot at dotat.at
Tue Mar 8 10:30:37 EST 2022

Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:

> I looked at the Bulletin A plots this morning to see how DUT1 is
> developing, but then I noticed the 'dX' term plot:
> 	https://datacenter.iers.org/singlePlot.php?plotname=BulletinA_All-DX&id=6
> What happened in late 2019 ?

I use the long-term prediction formula from Bulletin A as my LoD
benchmark, since it omits the short term and seasonal variations.

      The following formulas will not reproduce the predictions given below,
      but may be used to extend the predictions beyond the end of this table.

      x =  0.1405 - 0.1018 cos A - 0.0061 sin A - 0.0185 cos C + 0.0280 sin C
      y =  0.3550 - 0.0065 cos A + 0.0923 sin A + 0.0280 cos C + 0.0185 sin C

         UT1-UTC = -0.0891 + 0.00021 (MJD - 59649) - (UT2-UT1)

(note that the coefficient is seconds _shorter_ than 24*60*60µss,
so +0.00021 means the long-term average LoD is 24h-210µs)

It was fairly steady at 24h+700µs ish through 2018 and 2019, but it
started decreasing by about 10µs per week in July 2019, bottoming out at
24h-260µs in May last year.

That is, the speedup started at about the same time as the anomaly you
pointed out.

The LoD was creeping up: it was 24h-200µs Dec-Feb but in recent weeks it
is down to 24h-210µs again...

Tony Finch  <dot at dotat.at>  https://dotat.at/
Great Orme Head to the Mull of Galloway: South or southeast 6 to gale
8, decreasing 4 to 6 for a time. Slight or moderate, occasionally
rough in northwest. Rain or showers at first. Good, occasionally
moderate at first.

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