[LEAPSECS] Inside GNSS published an update of my CGSIC talk

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Mon Mar 20 18:04:38 EDT 2023

Richard B Langley wrote in
 <YQBPR0101MB86214BF5C0335CE4CEDBBA3CAB809 at YQBPR0101MB8621.CANPRD01.PROD.\
 |"I'd also note that if GLASNOS can't be fixed by 2035 ..."
 |Interesting slip of the tongue.
 |Glasnos[t] was taken to mean increased openness and transparency in \
 |government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union (USSR). \
 |Glasnost reflected a commitment of the Gorbachev administration to \
 |allowing Soviet citizens to discuss publicly the problems of their \
 |system and potential solutions.
 |Of course, GLONASS was meant. But we are reminded that in today's Russia, \
 |openness and transparency, not to mention freedom of speech, is a thing \
 |of the past.
 |Sorry for being a bit off topic.

First of all you should really point the fingers at your own nose
or i start being off-topic no matter what.  Western institutions
lie all the time.  That is not only Fox News, but all i know.

In Iraq there were >1.200.000 kills, these are UN, John Hopkins
University, and Iraq numbers, and i hate the UN says ~430.000
_direct_ kills on some front page, and you have to read 40 pages,
and wonder why the remaining 800.000 ran away from McDonald's.
Btw in Afghanistan and Pakistan there were 250.000+ kills.  There
millions of people are starving, in Iraq are millions of people
"below poor" (how do you say that in english).  In Yemen many
millions are starving.  All western weapons there.
And no, i think it was for fun only?

Mind you that the western world is worth 40 percent of all the
environmental damage, USA alone >25 percent.  Of mass extinction
and non-reversible damages.  Do you talk about for real?
Oh, they knew that 150 years ago.  Read Marx, Baby.  The Club of
Rome pointed fingers 50 years ago, 1972.
Hundreds of millions of human beings will loose their home when
the oceans rise, which they will do.  That is the wild wild west.
Do you mean now with all the economic and political pressure and
that multi-multi-multi billion western economic boost (with thirty
and more trillion depths, let me wonder how) small countries will
have the funds to go green?  I do not.

Btw i read TASS, and this is "more free" than that terrible
propaganda of the western media.  It is ridiculous that all
western media blindly follows the guideline of the american
general Stanley A. McCrystal (nomen est omen) who said "I believe
the perception caused by civilian casualties is one of the most
dangerous enemies we face".  Of course many things are not said.
The country is in war and has been increasingly put under pressure
since at least half a decade, even longer, to put it into the
follower line of the western politics.  Luckily they now produce
enough food again, otherwise the Russians would starve again, like
they had to 25 years ago.  There is no real, honest mercy from
western world.  I stated almost thirty years ago that brokers and
fonds and these should never be allowed to trade with anything
finite or living, we see again how the western money plays games
at the cost of the poorest.

Btw do you know anything about that conflict?  Tell me the truth,
if you can.  Do you know something about the date the western side
announced the tank deliveries?  I bet you do not.  So, for me, in
spirit of the wonder Harry Mulisch and his "The discovery of
Heaven" (and there are books of him i like more) i say "the
screaming blue eyed is Kindergartened, but the real hero of our
story will eventually discover heaven".  I can also understand why
the orthodox priest supports it.  Really.  That is what i hope.

So to leap tick it.  Btw this is your own culture and religion,
with the own nose.  Unfortunately we have forgotten.  And
regarding same sex ...  I know they cannot "go out" there.  But
you know, Moses said it "is disgusting", which very well can be
his own opinion, but he also said there shall be "no male temple
prostitutes", and often, in history, in that book of your own
culture, you know, after very, very bad times, they did throw them
"out of the temple" again, which means (a) they had to, (b) they
wanted, (c) they were expecting something from it.  This is
Christianity.  I am Bhuddhist, though.  In many cultures this is
somewhat open, as it seems to be natural over the course of
thousands of years, though the people are looked down to, are of
low rank.  Often.  But i cannot help it so or so, at least Putin
explicitly stated in the nation-wide speech that they can do "in
private" [whatever they want].  He talked about it.  (The law was
brought in by two female representatives, mind you.)  I mean this
is mostly how we treat our own sexuality, too.  Except in Brasil
alike carnival.  Except Woody Allen in one of the episodes of
"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were
Afraid" to Ask".  This is from 1972, like Leap Seconds!!!

Hasta la victoria siempre!

P.S.: to make it explicit that i as a hundred hard core German
_absolutely_ oppose the US hegemony ("No more Endsieg for
noone!!"), and the western "colonialism" that greedily destroys
life on earth (..i have to read the bible again..) even though our
forefathers and scientists etc, they all know it better.
This includes my own government which seems to totally back this
antisocial antimoral aggressive warmongering attitude.
We now lost two great personalities of the peace movement,
Hans-Christian Ströbele and Antje Vollmer.
And i *long* for a *free* press with *wide contextual views*.
But i know -- this is not superficial and fast and hip and "in"
enough for our western world.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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