Bug: INS/DEL in block context (1.04b)

Jay Allen markdown at openwire.com
Wed Apr 28 10:57:12 EDT 2004

I pored through the archives (which really needs search functionality), 
the documentation and even the Markdown source code trying to 
understand how Markdown handles <ins></ins> and <del></del> in the 
block-level context of it's dual life[1].

For the record, in my Markdown formatted entry, I have something like 

<ins datetime="2004-04-26T19:52:00+01:00">
<strong>Update:</strong> This is an update.

Since INS is used in a block-level context here, Markdown should leave 
it alone.  However, it produces the following code.

<p><ins datetime="2004-04-26T19:52:00+01:00"></p>

<strong>Update:</strong> This is an update.


Which is not only invalid, but HIGHLY illegal in XHTML-Strict for a few 
reasons.  I played around for a while in the dingus 
(http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus) to see if I could 
get Markdown to leave it alone, but I failed.  Once I looked into the 
source code, I saw that there was no provision for treating INS and DEL 
as block-level elements when they are used that way.

So, there's the bug.  Now, the feature request: It would be grand if 
Markdown could format INS and DEL in block-level context for us. 
Perhaps something like:

+This is an update
+Ain't it grand

-This is a deleted section.
-Ain't it sad

Or something like that.

Any thoughts on bug or feature request?


[1] - From http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/text.html#h-9.4

These two elements are unusual for HTML in that they may serve as 
either block-level or inline elements (but not both). They may contain 
one or more words within a paragraph or contain one or more block-level 
elements such as paragraphs, lists and tables.

  The following is not legal HTML.
<INS><DIV>...block-level content...</DIV></INS>

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