The Ping Plan

Aaron Swartz aaronsw at
Thu Apr 29 23:02:19 EDT 2004

I was at dinner at CFP with Ka-Ping Yee, Brad Templeton, and a
Markdown user whose name I've forgotten (really sorry!). Ka-Ping had a
complaint which I finally realized would be solved by making things in
brackets work without additional syntax. Basically, he wanted this
common idiom to work:

    Foo bar baz.[1]

Which just happens to work if we implement this:

    [The President] is a miserable failure.
    [The President]:

So that's good. He also wanted the :s to be optional, so this would work:

    Foo bar baz.[1]

Finally, he wanted links to work without angle brackets, so this would work:

    Hey, check out Jon's website at

If, for some reason I can't think of, really wanted that not to be a
link but didn't want to put it inside `<code>` tags, you could do:

    Hey, check out Jon's website at \

(\h is a little weird, sure, but so is the request)

I don't see why any of these wouldn't work; other than the first,
they're all pretty unambiguous.

 - Aaron

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