[ANN] PHP Markdown 1.0.1b6

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Fri Dec 3 19:56:13 EST 2004

Here is PHP Markdown 1.0.1b6. The last bug-fix is specific to PHP.



+	Inline links using `<` and `>` URL delimiters weren't working:

		like [this](<http://example.com/>)

	Fixed by moving _DoAutoLinks() after _DoAnchors() in _RunSpanGamut().

+	Added a bit of tolerance for trailing spaces and tabs after Markdown

+	Fixed a bug in _DeTab where a tab character inserted after a quote on
	the same line could add a slash before the quotes.

		This is "before"	[tab] and "after" a tab.

	Previously gave this result:

		<p>This is \"before\"  [tab] and "after" a tab.</p>

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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