nested links

John Gruber gruber at
Sun Dec 19 01:12:08 EST 2004

Stephen Haberman <stephenh at> wrote on 12/18/04 at 9:21am:

> * [Tab](tab.html)
>   * [Tab](tab.html)
>     * [Tab](tab.html)

It's not the links. It's the amount of indentation you're using.

The rule is that each new level of indentation for nested lists
should be 4 spaces or a tab. Change your list to this:

* [Tab](tab.html)

    * [Tab](tab.html)

        * [Tab](tab.html)

and it should output as you expect.

However, I just took a look and there's not a word about nested
lists in the syntax documention. I mean, not just how much
indentation to use -- there's nothing that even states they're
allowed. I've logged it as a bug in the docs.


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