Markdown as an OS X Service

John Gruber gruber at
Wed Mar 17 13:37:45 EST 2004

====== Forwarded Message ======
From: Dave Walker <trapper at>
Subject: Markdown as an OS X Service
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 08:49:39 -0500

I'm happy to report that it's possible with fairly minimal
effort to get to function as a service
in OS X.  This makes Markdown functionality available
inside of Cocoa text fields, which means that
everything from Safari to Mail to SubEthaEdit to
Stickies can benefit.

First download Gust's HumaneText service.

By default, it's configured to use PyTextile,
but the package also includes ATX.
Install it, then, using Terminal, navigate to

Copy to this directory. Make it executable
with this command:

   chmod 755

This is the directory that contains the text filters
used by the HumaneText service. The service
chooses which filter to invoke by means of
a simple symlink.  Delete the existing symlink:

    rm filter

and recreate it, pointing to

   ln -s filter

Tested under OS X 10.3.3.

       (please CC any replies to me, as I'm not subscribed to
        this list)

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