Getting around div tags

John Gruber gruber at
Sat Mar 20 13:35:30 EST 2004

Andy Fragen <lists at> wrote on 03/19/04 at 10:41a:

> I just joined the list and I've already encountered this problem.

Can I ask why you're using `<div>` tags within an article body? Just
curious -- is there a URL where I can see what you're doing in

> Textile seems to work around the problem in the following manner.
> If there is an empty line surrounding the markup, eg a list inside a div
> then the textile markup occurs.
> <div>
> * item1
> * item 2
> * item 3
> </div>
> The above would cause texile to markup a list. The following would not.
> <div>
> * item1
> * item2
> * item3
> </div>
> Is this a potential solution?

Well, yes, it's a potential solution.

But I don't like it. It strikes me as too arbitrary, and also seems
counter to be basic rule-of-thumb for using inline HTML blocks in
Markdown. Which rule of thumb is basically: "Put the start and end
tags for an inline HTML block at the left margin, and Markdown will
preserve the block and not touch the contents."

A "sometimes it will, sometimes it won't" rule adds a lot of

It's also the case that Markdown's existing HTML block parser is, in
my opinion, too dumb. For example, if you pass in the following:


Markdown *should* leave that completely untouched. But it actually turns it into:


Because it thinks the outermost `<div>` ends at the first `</div>`.
What you'd need to do, currently, is write the input like this:


So that the real end tag for the block is the only one at the
outermost level.

I plan to fix this so that the parser does the right thing and
matches from `<tag>` to `</tag>` with support for nested, balanced
instances of `<tag></tag>` within -- but that's going to be
complicated enough without adding a special case for a blank line
around the outermost tags.

I think the rule is going to remain the same: Once you start an
inline HTML block, Markdown ignores the contents until you close the

So if we want some way to have a div where Markdown *does* process
the contents, it's going to need special syntax, like:

    <<div class="foo">>
    *   Item 1
    *   Item 2
    *   Item 3

This way, the rule for raw inline HTML stays the same, and stays
very simple. What we'd be doing is adding a new rule, with new
(non-HTML) syntax.

This is definitely worth thinking about, but it's definitely not
making the cut for 1.0.


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