Numeric References again (was: The Ping Plan)

Jelks Cabaniss jelks at
Sun May 2 17:23:32 EDT 2004

John Gruber wrote:
>> For *numeric* references *only*, the preceding word (i.e., the word
>> before the square-bracketed number) becomes the link text.
> I see the appeal of this, but I don't like the idea of making a
> special case for numeric references only. I think it's so much
> simpler with the current rules, where Markdown just doesn't care
> about what you use to name your references.
> I also think it's in conflict with the proposal to allow `[this]` as
> a shortcut for `[this][]`.

If there's a conflict, then never mind -- given a choice, I think the
`[this]` notation wins hands down.

The appeal of the numeric reference is that it's an existing and (excluding
direct inline links) the most commonly-used paradigm with email.

I realize there's a constant balancing act between "all email" and "all
authoring format" (ala Textile & company).  The more you swing from the
former to the latter, the less ambiguity you have, but also the less
"natural" the syntax.  All in all, I think Markdown does a pretty remarkable
job of keeping it (to paraphrase Einstein) as close as possible to email,
but no closer...

P.S.  There's also the outside possibility (given enough adoption of the
Markdown syntax for text authoring) that `[this]` might even one day
*become* the more predominant email paradigm for links. ...


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