Error in Markdown Parsing

Fletcher T.Penney fletcher at
Wed May 5 19:20:37 EDT 2004

I am using version 1.0b4 and found the following:

Processing this:
#### Header ####

 > blockquote paragraph

 > another paragraph.

 > another and a list:
* High Quality
* Low Quality

#### A New Header ####
 > New paragraph

 > And one more

Improperly nests the second h4 header in the blockquote.  If you insert 
a standard paragraph after the list, then the blockquote is properly 

I haven't discovered any other workarounds yet.


Fletcher T. Penney
fletcher at

If you ever catch on fire, try to avoid seeing yourself in the mirror,
because I bet that's what REALLY throws you into a panic.
         - Jack Handy
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