Code blocks and backslashes

John Gruber gruber at
Fri Nov 5 19:40:07 EST 2004

Mark Lawrence <lawrence at> wrote on 11/01/04 at 11:20am:

> Tracing the code, I find that the _EncodeBackslashEscapes subroutine is
> the culprit. It's called by _EscapeSpecialChars, which, in turn, is
> called by Markdown just before _RunBlockGamut. _EncodeBackslashEscapes
> makes 13 transformations of backslash sequences, including \\.
> This means that code blocks that include any of those 13 character
> sequences have to be altered, adding extra backslashes. I think this
> contradicts the basic idea of having the HTML version and the text
> version look the same. It also increases the likelihood of errors in
> code blocks and prevents the straightforward cutting and pasting of
> working code.

I agree with both complaints -- that it's un-Markdown-ish and likely
to cause unexpected errors. Actually, that's probably just two ways
of saying the same thing -- the errors are unexpected because one
doesn't expect Markdown to work that way.

I can't remember the reason why is doing this. I'll log
it for attention, and see if there isn't some way to process code
blocks such that they are always taken literally.


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