[ANN] Markdown 1.0.1b2

John Gruber gruber at fedora.net
Sat Nov 6 16:02:01 EST 2004

Nikita Zhuk <nikita.zhuk at karppinen.fi> wrote on 11/06/04 at 7:55am:

> Is there any chance to change the behaviour of converting multiple 
> lists (not nested lists, but lists which follow one after eachother 
> without any other block-level elements between them)? Current 
> implementation converts 2 lists:

I think this is reasonable. It's certainly logical that we ought to
be able to create two separate lists back-to-back.

> but maybe it would be acceptable to consider 2 or more new lines 
> between list items as delimiter between different lists ? So that
> *   Bird
> *   Magic

Agreed, that seems like the most logical syntax idea for this.

I'm not sure it'll work however. A situation like this:

    *   List item with a [link] [1].
    [1]: http://www.example.com/
    *   Second item in list.

might complicate the implementation. But I'm sure we can work it out.


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