[this] as a synonym for [this][]

Jelks Cabaniss jelks at jelks.nu
Sat Apr 2 16:35:37 EST 2005

Faisal N. Jawdat wrote:
> On Apr 2, 2005, at 9:50 AM, Mark Smith wrote:
>> Yes, that is the unfortunate reality, but in the overwhelming
>> majority of cases their use is inappropriate and/or unnecessary.
> I think anyone who is quoting anyone else who has used it is going to
> need to use it whether it's appropriate or not.

What do you mean by "quoting"?  *Email* quoting?  I and many others have
been quoting for years and have never used square brackets.  Most people use
`>` and I've seen the pipe symbol (`|`) used.  Could you provide an example?

For that matter, I think square brackets with other operators could be used
to advantage for a number of inline elements...

	[-del-] [+add+] ["cite"] [~span~]
	[^sup^] [_sub_] ['abbr']

(or some such).  Combine those with `class` and `id` mechanisms, and you
have pretty much the full repertoire of common inlines -- all with a
consistent style and syntax...


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