Square brackets & common inlines (was: [this] as a synonym for[this][])

Jelks Cabaniss jelks at jelks.nu
Mon Apr 4 14:06:20 EDT 2005

John Gruber wrote:
>>   [~{#foo}some span of text~]
>> is a suitable text version of
>>   <span id="foo">some span of text</span>
> And people say Perl uses too much funny punctuation characters?


How about:

	[~#foo some span of text~]

Any better?  

Or, if you're not doing `<del>`, maybe ...

	[-#foo some span of text-]

(IDs can't have spaces in them, but you *could* have multiple
space-separated class names on an element, and title attributes -- if you
plan to support them -- will likely always have 'em.  So you'd have to have
*something* to delimit those when they have spaces.  If not curly brackets,

But you're right.  Specifying ID, CLASS, and TITLE at the same time could
end up looking like even more serious line noise...

	[-#foo ."c1 c2" ="some title" some span of text-]

(or some such).  

OTOH, versus the equivalent embedded HTML ...

	<span id="foo" class="c1 c2" title="some title">some 
	span of text</span>

maybe it's not so bad after all.  After all, you'd only find it with people
doing some serious authoring in Markdown.  I'm unlikely to start writing
emails to friends like that (friends I want to keep, anyway). ...


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