testing python-markdown

John Gruber gruber at fedora.net
Fri Aug 12 13:39:58 EDT 2005

Aaron Swartz <aaronsw at gmail.com> wrote on 8/12/05 at 10:35 AM:

> > > Python-markdown produces uses minidom to generate HTML, so it's

> > > hard to get it to agree with the perl implementation on a

> > > character-by-character basis and hence it would help to have a

> > > framework that can ignore meaninless whitespace.

> >

> > Then you should probably try to `diff -w`


> On the other hand, MarkdownTest contains tidy support for exactly

> this purpose.

Right -- the idea is that you let tidy reformat the markup before
comparing it to the expected results, which should treat things like




as equivalent.

Let us know how the testing goes, please.


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