link soup

Mark Smith mark at
Tue Aug 16 20:19:12 EDT 2005

@ 00:56 on 16.8.05, John Gruber wrote:

>Why would he need to escape the opening square bracket?

Right. Its not necessary. I included it in the example with the
intention of making it obvious that "[Bush & Kerry 2004]" was not
intended to be part of any link. With all the stuff in the immediate
vicinity, I felt the intention might otherwise be unclear. In my usual
input, I'd use the extra space facility.

I'm looking at various "Journal-like" output styles that take one of
these general input forms:

(assuming one of the proposed footnote syntaxes)

A. blah blah [^Citation] blah blah
[^Citation]: details [Linkout][]
[Linkout]: myURL

B. blah blah [Citation][Linkout] [^Distinct Footnote] blah blah
[linkout]: myURL
[^Distinct Footnote]: details

C. blah blah [Citation] [^Distinct Footnote] blah blah
[^Distinct Footnote]: details [Linkout][]
[Linkout]: myURL

A is going to cover most, but sadly not all cases. The original example
was a version of B. Its (currently) the least elegant on the input side
(IMO) and will likely be the rarest of the three.


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