Markdown in JavaScript

Mark Henderson Linton marklinton at
Tue Jan 4 16:08:55 EST 2005

On Dec 30, 2004, at 11:29 PM, John Gruber wrote:

> Aaron Swartz <aaronsw at> wrote on 12/30/04 at 6:13pm:
>>> Slightly OT: Does anyone have a Markdown uber-document?  That is, one
>>> document in markdown syntax that tests all its features and
>>> interesting edge cases?  (I might just be missing it...)
>> Gruber released MarkdownTest on this list for that purpose.
>> 000909.html
> Yeah, it's not one document, but rather a folder full of same
> documents and corresponding HTML files with the expected output. And
> a Perl script that runs the comparisons and reports any tests that
> fail. It's my hope that it can be used by anyone developing a
> Markdown implementation/port.

Are you interested in feedback?

If not, ignore this. ;-)

There isn't any test case for Markdown input lines ending in  
<space><space><cr> being converted to <br />.

- Mark

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