Submitting isues via .text files

John Gruber gruber at
Thu Jan 6 01:38:31 EST 2005

Jérôme Verzier <jverzier at> wrote on 01/05/05 at 8:29pm:

> Also, I installed Smarty Pants and Markdown. But the point is that
> when I publish an issue using "Markdown with Smartypants", I can't
> access the .text file. He does not exist.
> Maybe I'm doing someting wrong. Can you help me please ?

Are you referring to the way that my articles at Daring Fireball are
available in two formats, including plain text:


If so, that's a bit of MT jiggery-pokery that I've put together
myself, and isn't a feature that occurs automatically just because
you use Markdown or SmartyPants. I do plan to explain how it's done,
but haven't found time yet. (The short answer: I have two individual
archive templates; one that generates HTML files (the regular pages)
and one that generates plain text pages (the .text pages). The plain
text template uses's 

    <MTMarkdownOptions output='raw'>

MT template tag to generate output where Markdown-formatted entries
aren't translated to HTML, but instead are published "raw".


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