Image syntax

Aaron Swartz aaronsw at
Wed Jul 27 14:53:47 EDT 2005

We've recently added support for images to the Markdown-based system
we're building. There are three major attributes we need to store:

* The image's id/url
* Its size
* Its placement (left, right, or center)

And then I guess there's alt text.

Your syntax sort of makes sense for full-size centered images, which
just so happen to be the only kind I can recall on Daring Fireball,
but a lot of people want more. (And exposing our users to raw HTML for
something so basic seems unreasonable.)

## Possibilities

Here's how Wikipedia does it:

[[Image:Gruber.jpg|300px|right|The Narrator, pictured with his family.]]

It's sort of ugly.


Here's something like what I previously considered:

![The Narrator, pictured with his family.](Gruber.jpg){300px, right}

It's a little cleaner, but still messy.


Here's how I'd do it under this syntax.

<Gruber.jpg> 300px right
(The Narrator, pictured with his family.)

Actually, that's not so bad.

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