Image syntax

John Gruber gruber at
Wed Jul 27 16:53:32 EDT 2005

Mark Lawrence <lawrence at> wrote on 07/27/05 at 3:23 pm:

> I know this is a cowardly thing to say, but if it were me, I'd punt

> on the image syntax and simply expect people to do what John

> describes above. Unlike section headers, lists, quotations, emphasis,

> and the like, images are not part of text-only communication.

It's not cowardly at all. It's quite a bold statement, in fact.

I just think we can do better. I do prefer writing this:

alt='Screenshot of the Weather widget, after typing ‘Vancouver’.'

to the current Markdown syntax, but I'd prefer writing this even more:

(Screenshot of the Weather widget, after typing ‘Vancouver’.)


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