Conversion of special characters to entities

Jelks Cabaniss jelks at
Wed Mar 9 16:23:54 EST 2005

Lasar Liepins wrote:
> Apparently MarkDown does not convert special characters that possess
> HTML entity equivalents. Examples are German Umlauts (ä becomes ä
> etc), which often come up in my documents, with me being German and
> all that. Of course I can do this with an additional script after or
> before running MarkDown over my documents, but since for example the
> ampersand is converted to &, I was wondering why such characters
> are not replaced by their respective entities.

You can use HTML [Tidy] for this.  Note that the default for Tidy is for
entire documents, though, not snippets.  Use the `show-body-only: yes`
option for snippets.

Piping your Markdown output to Tidy has the additional benefit of being able
to format ("pretty print") your HTML in many different ways.

(with subliminal suggestion for implicit link alias incorporated:)


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