Escaping "<"

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Tue Mar 15 17:51:54 EST 2005

I was thinking about this. With Markdown, you can write tags in the 
middle of your text and that's great. But what if I want to write 
something looking like a tag in the middle of the text, which isn't 
code? No problem, I can use the HTML entity:

	The carriage return character is denoted by &lt;CR> in
	this document.

I think it would be great if Markdown allowed us to backslash-escape 
HTML tags too:

	The carriage return character is denoted by \<CR> in
	this document.

I find this much more readable, and easier to type.

* * *

By the way, it may be needed for ampersands too, think of this:

	He works for AT&T; he has a nice job.

Markdown thinks `&T;` is an entity. Of course you can escape it the 
HTML way:

	He works for AT&amp;T; he has a nice job.

But isn't this better:

	He works for AT\&T; he has a nice job.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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