[this] as a synonym for [this][]

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Thu Mar 31 17:02:04 EST 2005

Le 31 mars 2005, à 0:13, John Gruber a écrit :

> In other words, use the `[this]` syntax in articles where most or
> all occurances of `[` and `]` are as link delimiters; use `[this][]`
> in articles where `[` and `]` are also being used literally.
> This is, obviously, not a rule. It's a recommendation.

That's a recommendation for the writer, what's the recommendation to 
the reader? I mean: even if the author follows this recommandation, 
when the reader see a paragraph with brackets, how can he know if these 
are links or actual brackets?

If someone ask me "Is `[something like this]` a link?" in a particular 
context, I would have to answer something like that: "It looks like a 
link, but I'm only 60% sure. Check for link references at the bottom of 
the document to be sure."

Of course the same could be said for the old reference syntax. 
Question: "Is `[something like this] [this]` a link?" Answer: "I'm 99% 
sure it's a link. You can check for link references at the bottom to be 
absolutely sure." The difference here is that you can see that the 
reference name means nothing in the sentence context, this makes it a 
link reference. You loose that clue with the `[something like this]` 

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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