Syntax coloring for Markdown in BBEdit

John Gruber gruber at
Tue May 3 13:32:59 EDT 2005

Mark Smith <mark at> wrote on 05/02/05 at 2:18 pm:

> It looks to me (being a dabbler, rather than a pro) like a
> BBEdit CLM solution might be fairly coarse in terms of
> differential highlighting. I *guess* the "real" BBEdit language
> modules are significantly more powerful, but I don't even look
> inside those.

Yes, this is why I haven't put something together.

CLMs don't have any syntax that allows you to describe syntax
elements in terms of regex patterns. They're geared almost
exclusively toward programming languages -- subroutines, comments,
things like that. They don't have any concept of things like headers
or phrase elements. Even "tags" aren't native concepts in the
current CLM implementation.

So the only current way to do a decent Markdown module for BBEdit
would be to write it in C/C++ as a plug-in, and that's something I
don't have time for.

My hope is that eventually CLMs will expand to support markup
languages easily.


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