Emphasis with `_`

Ryan Booker ryanbooker at gmail.com
Wed May 25 01:17:46 EDT 2005

I suspect it would be very common amoung people transitioning from
Textile.  Textile uses '_' for emphasis and '*' for strong.

On 5/25/05, John Gruber <gruber at fedora.net> wrote:
> Kyle Maxwell <krmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote on 05/24/05 at 9:53 pm:
> > What I meant was, how often do folks use the underscores for marking
> > up (as opposed to using the asterisk pairs instead)?
> Lots.
> I don't know if it's more popular than the asterisks (it could be),
> but at the very least it's popular enough that I'm quite confident
> it was the right decision to support both _this_ and *this*
> synonymously.
> -J.G.
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