Bug list for 1.0.2

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Wed May 25 08:37:21 EDT 2005

Le 24 mai 2005, à 22:52, John Gruber a écrit :

> Michel, is there anything in particular you'd like to see in 1.0.2
> that isn't there yet?

Hum, let's make a list of the bugs I'm currently aware of.

1.	As you said, `[this] [that] and the [other]` need improvements.
	I think this is pretty needed, unless we postpone that new syntax
	to a later version.

2.	There the case about empty list items:

		1.  test
		2.  test
		4.  test

3.	There is the problem of long underlines:

		Name: _____________
	    Address: __________

	And "ambiguous" nested emphasis:

	    *test **thing***
	    **test *thing***
	    ***thing* test**
	    ***thing** test*

	(I sent you a fix for these two on March 4th.)

4.	There is the issue about an unordered list following a ordered one.
	(The inverse is also problematic).

		1. test
		2. test

		*  test
     	*  test

	(I have a fix ready in PHP, and I think I sent it to you.)

5.	Also, there is the bug introduced in 1.0.2b1 where this:

		`<test a="` content of attribute `">`

	is converted to this:

		<code>&lt;test a="` content of attribute `"&gt;</code>

Now, 1 is very important to get right before introducing the new [link] 
syntax. 2 is probably not so urgent. 3 and 4: fixes already exist, I 
think we should include them. 5 is a regression and comes from an 
actual bug report I got, so I think it's important to look at it. It 
may be difficult however to correct this without reintroducing the bug 
1.0.2b1 intended to solve.

Anyone think I forgot something?

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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